News Entries Articles Collection Khalil Center Conducts First-Ever TIIP Introductory Series Khalil Center visits Square Inc. to discuss the importance of mental health care during the pandemic Khalil Center Visits San Francisco State University to Discuss Cultural Humility Khalil Center’s Statement regarding the London Family Attack Khalil Center Hosts TIIP Level 1 Training in Chicago, USA Khalil Center Invited For 1-Day OCD Training In London, UK Khalil Center Publishes First Islamically Integrated Workbook on OCD Treatment Cultivating Mental Wellness Amidst Advocacy Mental Health of Muslim College Students: Perceptions, Stigmas, and Support Systems Yusra Ahmed and Dr. Fahad Khan 5-Day Islamic Psychology Workshop Held In Bengaluru Through The Eyes of American Muslims Cultivating Positive Emotions Before Ramadan Ramadan as a Time of Self-Compassion: Letting Go of Unrealistic Expectations Am I Doing Enough? Balancing Motherhood and Spirituality During Ramadan How to Show Love and Support to Your Spouse During Ramadan