Research Publications

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Ramadan as a Time of Self-Compassion: Letting Go of Unrealistic Expectations

Sabreen Azhar, Psychotherapist, LMFT

Self-compassion is not a modern psychological construct, but a deeply spiritual practice embedded in Islamic teachings.

Articles, Research Article, News

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Am I Doing Enough? Balancing Motherhood and Spirituality During Ramadan

Dr. Sarah Syed, Psychologist

As mothers of young children, we naturally want to create a meaningful connection between them and the blessings of Ramadan. This generosity is undoubtedly rewarding, but what happens when we feel like we can’t keep up?

Articles, Research Article, News

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Cultivating Positive Emotions Before Ramadan

Dr. Samar Harfi (Licensed Clinical Psychologist)

Nurturing positive emotions, though it may seem cliché, is a key factor in enhancing spiritual engagement, allowing us to experience and express our faith more deeply.

Articles, Research Article, News

The Islamic Workbook for Managing Anxiety

This workbook is specifically designed for those struggling with anxiety, worry, and stress.

Research Article, Books

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5-Day Islamic Psychology Workshop Held In Bengaluru

Between 31 August and 4 September 2024, Bengaluru welcomed Islamic psychologist Yaqeen Sikander for a transformative five-day event focusing on Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP).

Articles, Research Article, News

Journal Of Muslim Mental Health: University of Michigan

The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal

Research Article

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