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TIIP Certification

Learn about our modality of treatment and how you can get certified!

What is TIIP?

Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy

TIIP is a therapeutic framework that is an ever-evolving modality of psychological treatment originally published by Keshavarzi, H & Haque, A in 2013. Since then, there has been further research directed at developing this framework. TIIP is the culmination of Khalil Center’s research on psychological treatment conducted by its interdisciplinary team consisting of dually trained professionals and Islamic scholars. The TIIP model offers a framework for integrating contemporary behavioral science into an inherently Islamic framework. The foundations of this model are rooted in an Islamic epistemological and ontological framework.

The practice applications of this model are through techniques that are of two types:

  1. Inherently Islamic approaches of psychotherapy inspired by the Qur’an, Sunnah, and the spiritual sciences (taziyah, tasawwuf).

  2. Adaptation and integration of mainstream interventions that are consistent with the foundations and principles of Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP).

Goals of TIIP

In Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP), there are four overarching goals of the psychotherapeutic encounter:

  • Inkishāf - introspective self-discovery

  • Inqiyād - engendering treatment compliance & motivation

  • I’tidāl - equilibrium in all aspects of life

  • Ittiḥād - holistic integration

Interventions are designed to utilize these principles and specifically target the elements of the TIIP ontological framework of the human psyche:

  • ʿAql - cognition

  • Nafs - behavioral inclinations

  • Rūḥ - spirit

  • Iḥsās or emotions


Applying Islamic Principles to Clinical Mental Health Care: Introducing TIIP ​

Introduction into TIIP. To better acquaint yourself with the TIIP modality, make sure to order our published textbook:

applying islamic principles book mockup

The TIIP Certification Process


Introduction to the foundations of the TIIP modality along with a deep dive into the core principles of the model. This includes holistic schemas of health and pathology, nature of the human being, composition of the human psyche, principles of change, and role of the TIIP practitioner.


Advanced application of the TIIP modality across varying treatment settings and problems.


200 supervised practice hours under the supervision of a TIIP supervisor through the treatment of at least 10 therapy cases where TIIP was utilized.

Case Conceptualization

Upon completion of all three levels, you will be required to present a case study to a panel of 3 TIIP certified practitioners (which includes your supervisor) who will evaluate your adherence and capacity to utilize the framework,


1. Completion of all 3 levels & successful TIIP case presentation

2. Licensure or license eligibility in mental health practice OR Islamic clergy with formal pastoral

3. Evidence or demonstration of completion of minimum religious education requirements (fard al-ayn) that are obligatory upon every Muslim. A letter from a religious teacher or certificate from an Islamic seminary would suffice.

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TIIP Training in Chicago!

Khalil Center’s signature TIIP training is back again. Offering Level 1 at the Chicago School right in the heart of downtown Chicago. Seats are limited and in high demand.

Learn More