The findings reveal significant challenges in mental health management among Muslim college students, exacerbated by cultural stigmas and lack of parental support. Despite high religiosity, which provides some coping mechanisms, there is a critical need for increased awareness and utilization of mental health resources. Future research should explore intervention strategies tailored to this demographic and investigate the impact of cultural competence training for mental health professionals.
Recommendations for Students
From the responses above, we observe that although students recognize the importance of mental health, they struggle with a work-life balance and managing stress. Some practices that can help in managing stress from school or work include:
Exercise – can help boost energy and is proven to improve mental health.
Writing and journaling – can help with processing your thoughts and feelings of the day
Prayer and meditation – can help to bring peace of mind and clear your mind from constant worries
Talking to loved ones or professionals – stay connected with people who care about your well-being and can help you through difficult situations
Utilize the mental health resources at your university – universities often offer free resources for students struggling with their mental health or school life by providing counseling, group therapy, individual therapy, peer support groups, and mindfulness programs. Taking advantage of these resources may benefit students who need an outlet to do so.
Recommendations for Parents
Increasing mental health awareness among parents and having a healthy dialogue about the attitudes towards mental health conditions and their treatment among Muslim families will be helpful in the long run. Some practices parents can use to support their children as they transition into college or school are:
Maintain regular communication with your children - A lot of students end up moving away from home whether it is for a college or a job and they might end up feeling lonely and isolated.
Validate their concerns and provide emotional support - If your child is coming to you and they’re expressing concerns or negative emotions about what they’re going through, it’s important to understand that these emotions deserve time and attention. You can help your child navigate these emotions by validating their concerns.
Encourage and model healthy habits such as eating well, sleeping well, and exercising - taking care of ourselves physically also plays a huge role in mental health.
Actively listen to their experiences – remain supportive and encouraging
Flannery, M. E. (2023, March 29). The Mental Health Crisis on college campuses. NEA.
Gilani, S. (2023, March 1). The unacknowledged crisis in Muslim Students’ Mental Health. Schools Week.
Medvec, S. (2022, November 8). 6 signs that a student is struggling with a mental illness. The Summit Counseling Center.
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