Abdul Gani Dahman
Associate Clinical Social Worker | [email protected]
Abdul Gani Dahman is an Associate Clinical Social Worker. He also is a certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor with specialized training in addressing substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health challenges.

Amatullah Craft
Psychotherapist | [email protected]
Amatullah is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the State of Florida. She has experience providing services as a psychotherapist for private agencies, foster care agencies, public and Islamic schools.

Ayya Elzarka
Associate Social Worker (ASW) | [email protected]
Ayya is a Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker in the Bay Area, California. She believes every human was created with an innate capacity to heal

Cody Sana Qureshi
Psychotherapist | [email protected]
Cody is a registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapist currently seeing clients living in California. She uses a personalized therapeutic approach to work with individual needs and assist in attaining client goals.

Faiza Ghafoor
Faiza Ghafoor | [email protected]
Faiza's work at Khalil Center focuses on expanding culturally sensitive mental health resources, building partnerships, and fostering spaces that honor mental health, cultural identity, and spiritual well-being.

Heba El-Haddad
Heba has received her undergraduate degree from UC Irvine in Psychology of Social Science, later earned a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology.

Hira Khanzada
Licensed Psychotherapist
Hira Khanzada is a Licensed Psychotherapist (LCSW) in California. Her background includes a B.A. in Psychology and Master’s in Social Welfare, both from UC Berkeley.

Nabia Hosy Nasimi
Associate Marriage & Family Therapist (AMFT)
Nabia Nasimi is as Associate Marriage & Family Therapist (AMFT) working out of Khalil Center's Bay Area office. She has experience working with children, adults, and families.

Rabab Elkadi
Psychotherapist AMFT
Rabab is deeply committed to working with children, individuals, families, and serving the Muslim community in various capacities.

Sabreen Azhar
Psychotherapist LMFT
Sabreen is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a Masters of Arts Degree in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara University.

Sarah Darwish
Psychotherapist AMFT | [email protected]
Sarah Darwish is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist with a Master’s degree in Counseling. She has more than 6 years working with diverse populations.

Sumayyah Rawashdeh
Sumayyah is a Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee who is currently in the final year of her counseling psychology masters program at Santa Clara University.