Levels 1 & 2

TIIP Training 2025

Khalil Center’s signature TIIP training is back again
Offering both levels at the historic Suleymaniye Madrasah right in the heart of Istanbul, Turkey. Seats are limited and in high demand.

Watch our recap video from last year

Watch Video

You are a perfect for this training if you fit into one of the following categories: 

  1. Currently enrolled in a graduate program in related mental health fields (Counseling, psychology, social work, marriage & family therapy, etc.)

  2. Mental health professional (therapist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, counselor, etc.) 

  3. Chaplain with a background/training in mental health

  4. Healthcare providers

  5. Islamic seminary graduates with a background in psychology/mental health. 

Not sure? Email us at [email protected] 

Course Description

Level 1

This is a 5-day intensive on Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP) Level 1. The training will provide students of psychology and mental health with an orientation to the foundational tenets &  principles of the model including a discussion of Islamic epistemology, i.e., a framework for reconciling disparate sources of knowledge (i.e. empirical, rational, and scriptural) within an Islamic context.  The core principles of the model will be presented that include a review of holistic schemas of health and pathology, nature of the human being, composition of the human psyche, principles of change, and role of the TIIP practitioner. 

Students will engage with practical applications of this model through two types of techniques:

  • Inherently Islamic approaches of psychotherapy. Inspired by the Qur’an, Prophetic Tradition, and the traditions of the scholars of the spiritual sciences (taziyah al-nafs). 

  • Adaptation and integration of mainstream interventions.  Methods drawn from contemporary orientations that are consistent with the foundational principles of TIIP. 

The course will also teach students to conceptualize and treat psychological dysfunction using this Islamic model.  

Interventions are designed to specifically target the elements of the TIIP ontological framework of the human psyche: 

  • ʿAql - cognition

  • Nafs - behavioral inclinations

  • Rūh - spirit 

  • Ihsās - emotions.

Level 1 Details


  • TBD

  • TBD

*Some days may end earlier than others depending on course material covered. 


Tuition costs cover registration to the entire course, daily brunches, and course materials (relevant handouts, worksheets, charts, etc.)

  • General Tuition: $985.00 USD*

  • Student Tuition: $855.00 USD*

*The tuition cost does not include travel and accommodation expenses. Students are expected to arrange for their own transportation and lodging. 

*Students must present proof of student identification to qualify for student tuition. Please share proof of student identification to [email protected] to receive ticket link.

Course Description

Level 2

The level 2 training will build upon the Level I training to reinforce and solidify the TIIP modality of psychotherapy.

The training will focus on immersing students in the Islamic epistemological and ontological foundations of TIIP and revising the core principles of TIIP with greater layers of application across a variety of therapeutic contexts and pathologies. The course will focus on advancing integrative skills and techniques that provide concrete skills for how to treat psychological disorders using this Islamic model. More advanced interventions will be highlighted that are designed to specifically target the elements of the TIIP ontological framework of the human psyche. 

The level 2 training will focus on increased collaborative exercises and activities including: 

  • Case Vignettes to conceptualize complex cases using the TIIP framework

  • Student Case Presentations with a TIIP Certified Presenter 

  • Group discussions on Islamic ethical considerations in clinical settings 

Level 2 Details


  • TBD

  • TBD

*Some days may end earlier than others depending on course material covered. 


Tuition costs cover registration to the entire course, daily brunches, and course materials (relevant handouts, worksheets, charts, etc.)

  • General Tuition: $985.00 USD*

  • Student Tuition: $855.00 USD*

*The tuition cost does not include travel and accommodation expenses. Students are expected to arrange for their own transportation and lodging. 

*Students must present proof of student identification to qualify for student tuition. Please share proof of student identification to [email protected] to receive ticket link.

Group Activities (Optional)

Fajr Readings

Selected, daily readings and reminders from classic Islamic psychology literature.

Date: Monday- Friday

Time: After Fajr

Location: Suleymaniye - Darul Kurra Madrasah

Salat Salam Majlis

A blessed gathering of praise and remembrance honoring the beloved Prophet (PBUH)

Date: TBD

Time: After Asr Salah

Location: EDEP-Fatih Branch (Hirka-i-Sherif)

Dinner: Delicious Uzebeki Pilaf

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The Historic Suleymaniye Madrasahs

Istanbul, Turkey

The Suleymaniye Complex is one of the oldest and more historic institutions in the world. Established in the 16th century as a socio-religious center, the Suleymnaiye has been a home for medical research, practice, and education. The complex consists of a medical school, a hospital, and a number of madrasas (school classrooms) through which knowledge was disseminated. 

We are extremely honored to be hosting our training in the 2 madrasa sections of the complex: The Salis Madrasa & the Darul Kurra Madrasa.

Dr. Senturk, former founding president of Ibn Haldun University, and current president of Usul Academy explains the historic significance of our training location.

Watch The Crown of Istanbul
Course Textbook

Required Reading for Level 1&2

Applying Islamic Principles to Clinical Mental Healthcare

Widely circulated in academic circles across the world, this text will serve as the primary reference for the TIIP training. Authored by Khalil Center leadership, this text was the first ever structured articulation of an emerging Islamic orientation to psychotherapy known as TIIP. If you plan on attending the training, we would encourage you to get your hands on this and get busy reading! 

Required reading for Level 2

The Islamic Workbook For Religious OCD

This workbook provides a much-needed manual for those struggling with OCD scrupulosity and assists them during their journey to recovery. It includes activities and exercises that readers can put into effect on their own.

Interested in taking our TIIP training? Register Today!
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Scholarship Opportunity

Can't afford the training? Khalil Center is looking for talented, hardworking, and dedicated students of mental health and psychology that will help drive the movement of Islamic psychology forward! Apply today!