book applying islamic principles
NEW KC Book Publication

Applying Islamic Principles to Clinical Mental Health Care: Introducing TIIP


This text outlines for the first time a structured articulation of an emerging Islamic orientation to psychotherapy, a framework presented and known as Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP).

TIIP is an integrative model of mental health care that is grounded in the core principles of Islam while drawing upon empirical truths in psychology. The book introduces the basic foundations of TIIP, then delves into the writings of early Islamic scholars to provide a richer understanding of the Islamic intellectual heritage as it pertains to human psychology and mental health. Beyond theory, the book provides readers with practical interventional skills illustrated with case studies as well as techniques drawn inherently from the Islamic tradition. A methodology of case formulation is provided that allows for effective treatment planning and translation into therapeutic application. Throughout its chapters, the book situates TIIP within an Islamic epistemological and ontological framework, providing a discussion of the nature and composition of the human psyche, its drives, health, pathology, mechanisms of psychological change, and principles of healing.

Mental health practitioners who treat Muslim patients, Muslim clinicians, students of the behavioral sciences and related disciplines, and anyone with an interest in spiritually oriented psychotherapies will greatly benefit from this illustrative and practical text.


“This book fills a tremendous void in the literature, wherein it provides both a structured theoretical explication of an Islamic Psychotherapy as well as practical guidelines and concrete interventions for clinical practice. It uniquely combines faith and science, creating an integrative bridge for mental health providers in providing therapy within an Islamic spiritual context.” —Harold G. Koenig, Duke University Medical Center, USA

“This is a fascinating and impressive book—theologically, philosophically, and theoretically. The book also contains many helpful insights for the practice of Islamic spiritually integrated psychotherapy. It makes an outstanding contribution to the growing literature about the role of religion and spirituality in mainstream psychology and psychotherapy. I enthusiastically recommend it.” —P. Scott Richards, Brigham Young University, USA

Published: March 23, 2020
Author: Transform Studios
Categories: Articles