usman khan

Usman Khan

Career Counselor


1-855-5KHALIL Ext. 733 
[email protected]

Office Location

Los Angeles


Usman Khan is passionate about career development, mental health advocacy, leadership mentoring, community service, higher education, and social justice. He graduated from Cal State Northridge in May 2020 with his M.S. in Counseling with a specialization in College Counseling and Student Services. With a focus on career development and academic life skills, Usman currently works as a Career Advisor at Pasadena City College. Usman also provides individualized career development services to support college students and recent grads in the community. He has previously held a variety of roles within the realm of counseling and student services, including college advising, career counseling, academic coaching, one-on-one leadership mentoring, and tutoring. He currently serves on the leadership board of the California Career Development Association, and as part of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, American Counseling Association, and InsightLA Meditation. As a career counselor and mental health advocate, Usman aspires to improve access to higher education for historically underrepresented students and underserved communities, and help raise awareness regarding the importance of mental health, help-seeking, and career development. Usman is a firm believer in the power of storytelling to honor multiple truths, and he sees the importance of community building with a focus on raising awareness around topics related to mental health, career development, and mindful self-compassion.


  • Rogerian client-centered model

  • Planned Happenstance theory

  • Narrative Story-telling

  • Cognitive Behavioral Theory

Languages Spoken

  • English

  • Urdu/Hindi

  • Spanish (conversational)

  • Armenian (conversational)