Islamic Character Study
Traditional Islamic Inventory of Virtues
Discover your virtues and character & contribute to the field of Islamic Psychology!
Take The TestDiscover your virtues and character!
By taking this test, you can measure your character profile and better understand your strengths and weakness rooted in Islamic values and principles.
Contribute to the field of Islamic Psychology!
By taking this test, you will contribute to the scientific validation of this instrument in order to enrich the contemporary Islamic psychological literature.
Importance of Character Development and Virtue Acquisition in the Islamic Tradition
Character development is an essential element and goal of Islam.
The Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:
“I have been sent to perfect good character” (Bukhari – Adab al-Mufrad)
“The most beloved to me and closest to me on the day of judgement are those who have the best of character” (Tirmidhī)
The word ‘khulq’ and its plural ‘akhlāq’, in the classical sense can be translated as character. While ‘faḍīlah’ as virtue and ‘radhīla’ as vice.
Modern Character Studies and Psychological indicators of well-being
Significant correlations between character strengths and wellbeing in various stages of life
Character strengths predict lower levels of depression and greater life satisfaction during adolescence (Gilham et. al., 2011)
In other studies with adult participants, character strengths were found to be correlated with life satisfaction and happiness (Park, Peterson, and Seligman, 2004; Peterson et. al., 2007).
Increases levels of happiness and decreases depressive symptoms for 6 months
The TIIV or Traditional Islamic Inventory of Virtues is an inventory created by revising the 14th century classification of Islamic virtues found in the al-akhlāq al-ʿaḍudiyyah. The TIIV provides an aggregation of many of the subvirtues of al-Ījī due to the degree of overlap between them, makes minor linguistic revisions and adds a few new subvirtues. The definitions of each of the TIIV subvirtues are constructed by drawing upon numerous sources in the Islamic tradition while still relying mostly on al-Ījī’s. The process of aggregation and revision has produced five major TIIV virtues with 31 subvirtues.
Brief Description Of Virtues And Subvirtues
Discernment’ (Jawdah al-Fahm wa al-Taṣawwur) - the ability to use reason, process information logically, and demonstrate critical thinking
Knowledge acquisition (ihtimām bi al-taʿllum) - the continuous engagement in activities of learning and pursuit of knowledge acquisition
Love of learning (ḥubb al-taʿllum) - the adoration for learning and value for the acquisition of knowledge
Open mindedness (tafattuḥ al-dhihn) - the absence of intellectual stubbornness and possessing an openness to truth.
Agreeableness (muwāfaqa) -being amenable to others preferences in social contexts and a willingness to give up their wishes for others in trivial or worldly things
Seeking & Drawing affection (al-tawaddud) - seeking and giving affection to others.
Compassion (riqqa) - having a soft heart, a feeling of sympathy for the painful experiences of others leading them to displays of forgiveness, tolerance and benevolence
Forbearance (ḥilm) - the ability to restrain one’s anger and overlook the faults of others. Also, to refrain from the execution of retribution and to respond to evil with goodness
Courage (najda) - display of appropriate assertiveness in order to protect individual rights and responding with bravery to circumstances that demand a firm response
Humility (tawāẓu) - having a modest or moderate view of one's self-importance and having no traces of arrogance in their social dealings
Protectiveness (ḥamiyya) - described as the possession of an adaptive feeling of anger and accompanying assertive response to threats to that which is sacred
Perseverance (ʿuluw al-himmah) - ability to generate the will power and endurance to bear difficult tasks over a long period of time
Good opinion of others (ḥusn al-dhan) - the ability to look at the positive qualities of individuals, to depersonalize any offenses committed against them and maintain an overall positive interpretation of others behavior.
Patience (ṣabr) - the ability to endure the challenges associated with undertaking a difficult task and waiting calmly for the outcomes to come to fruition
Modesty (ḥayaʾ) - a feeling of being too ashamed to partake in actions that are deemed sinful or unethical
Gratitude’ (Shukr) - being thankful and showing appreciation for the blessings that one possesses
Self-regulation (habs al-nafs) - “the exercise of willpower to restrain one’s appetitive drives and sensual desires”.
Orderliness (Intiẓām) – the prioritization of matters and to rank order them according to their potential for good outcomes (maṣaliḥ)
Generosity (sakhāʾ) - as giving freely to others without expecting anything in return’
Contentment (Qanāʿah) - the process of being satisfied with the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon them without yearning for more
Civility (muruʾah) - abstaining from uncivilized or lowly behavior in consideration of one’s social context and norms
Familial and Social Connection (Silat al-rahm) - maintaining the bonds of kinship and close friendship
Loyalty (wafāʾ) - a commitment to fulfilling the needs of others and upholding one’s oaths and contracts
Truthfulness (Ṣidq) - being able to remain honest and trustworthy in one’s social dealings’
Rectification (Islāḥ) - fulfilling one’s civic duty to uphold the good and prohibit evil in society (ʾamr bi al-mʿarūf wa nahy ʿan al-munkar) and reconciling social conflicts between people
Upholding justice - undergoing personal risks and sacrifices in order to uphold social justice and to struggle against the oppression and wrongdoings of others
Contemplation (Tafakkur) - the reflection upon the creation of the heavens and the earth leading to seeing the greater purpose of life that motivates an individual to live in a more meaningful way.
Worship (ʿIbadah) - is defined as ‘a demonstration of servitude and submission to Allah through religious rituals and good deeds’
Reliance on Allah (Tawakkul) - is described as ‘having complete trust in Allah. And to exert all the means available to them in hopes of achieving a positive outcome while realizing that the ultimate outcome comes from Allah alone
‘Contentment (Riḍā) - Allah’s decree’ is defined as ‘a complete satisfaction with the decree of Allah believing that whatever He has willed for His slave is best for him’
Religious Vigilance (waraʿ) - a continuous consciousness of the presence of Allah, believing that none of their behaviors nor inner thoughts can be concealed from Him